Adoption Services

Joining the continuum of programs offered by Azleway, adoption services are now available for individuals and couples willing to provide a loving home to a child. There are thousands of children looking for a forever home in Texas, and Azleway can help match you with a child to complete your family. We will help guide prospective families through the adoption process, including guidance with the required home study and paperwork and working with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS).
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Azleway Children's Services

Azleway Children's Services (ACS) is a growing part of Azleway, Inc.'s expanding children's programs. Established originally to provide a continuum of care to successful residents of Azleway Boys' Ranch and to provide long term homes for siblings of children in care at the Ranch, ACS also directly places children in its foster care program. ACS foster homes range from basic care homes to therapeutic and foster group homes and offer a safe, secure, and therapeutic home environment for children.
Azleway Substance Abuse Program

Founded in 1997, the Azleway Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) provides primary chemical dependency counseling and dual diagnosis for clients with mental health issues and concurrent co-health issues. The staff, which includes licensed professional counselors and licensed chemical dependency counselors, works with young men ages 13-17 in a ranch setting in Big Sandy, Texas. Their goal is to help each youth develop a solid recovery program that includes relapse prevention planning and strong support systems through group and individual counseling, education and experiential group therapy.
Azleway Boys' Ranch Residential Treatment Center (RTC)

On the eve of its 40th anniversary, Azleway is continuing its transition to more family-based care of children. Though the most visible program, Azleway Boys’ Ranch comprises a small percentage of the over 350 boys & girls currently being served in its quality faith-based care.
The continuing plan to move Azleway forward for the next 40 years has resulted in a shift for the residential program on the Tyler campus to a transitional living program for young adults moving from the foster care system to productive adulthood. This move to a transitional living focus has been occurring for the last few years and plans to continue.