Azleway by the Numbers

Each year, there are over 1,900 boys and girls who called Azleway ‘home,’ through Azleway Children’s Services (foster care for children of all ages), Azleway Boys’ Ranch, or Big Sandy Ranch (both residential treatment facilities for boys, aged 6-22).
Azleway Substance Abuse Program
Founded in 1997, the Azleway Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) provides primary chemical dependency counseling and dual diagnosis for clients with mental health issues and concurrent co-health issues.
In 2017, Azleway’s substance abuse treatment for adolescents served 72 clients, all between the ages of 13-17, with 58 (81%) successfully completing treatment. Of the 58, 52 were still abstinent at the thirty day mark.
Adoption Services
At Azleway, parents can be verified in to adopt in two ways, matched adoptions or foster to adopt. In matched adoptions, parents are approved only to adopt and Azleway will work with the family to match them with a child in the care of TDFPS. In foster to adopt, parents are certified as foster/adopt homes and can foster a child prior to adopting them.
In 2017, Azleway completed 29 adoptions, with ages ranging from 1-17.