Admission Procedures For Azleway Boys’ Ranch

Azleway Boys’ Ranch typically admits boys ranging from 6 to 18 years of age. We may elect to admit a young adult up to the age of 22 years old into care in order to:
- Transition to independence, including attending college or vocational or technical training;
- Attending high school, a program leading to a high school diploma, or GED classes;
- To complete an Azleway Boys’ Ranch Program; or
Stay with a minor sibling.
Azleway Boys’ Ranch may admit a young adult into care if the person:
- Is from another residential child-care operation and the reason for admittance is consistent with a condition listed in Texas
- Administrative Code or Minimum Standards for Residential Treatment Centers
- If the person is in the care of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
- Continues to need the same level of care; and
- Is unlikely to physically and/or intellectually progress over time
Generally, referrals for admission must possess an overall level of general intelligence (IQ) of at least 70 on standardized intelligence testing instruments. However, in cases of borderline mental retardation or if it is felt that testing results may be a underestimate of the child’s intellectual functioning, a child may be admitted if it is determined that the program can meet the child’s needs. Azleway Boys’ Ranch will accept only children for which there is an operational program that can meet their needs.
We currently provide treatment services for those children with Emotional Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and Borderline Mental Retardation.
Youngsters who are actively psychotic, who are currently considered a danger to themselves or others, or actively sexually perpetrating will not be admitted to Azleway Boys’ Ranch. We may consider placement of these residents with a past history of these behaviors or if special extenuating circumstances exist.
Azleway Boys’ Ranch will not accept residents who have a history of repeated incidents involving fire starting. No resident with an incident of fire starting within the past year will be considered without the approval of the Executive Director.
Referrals normally have no physical handicaps that would interfere with participation in Azleway Boys’ Ranch programs. In situations where handicaps exist, reasonable adaptations will be made in compliance with the American Disability Act (ADA).
Referred children will be considered without regard to race, creed, religion, or national origin.
Referrals are accepted from:
- Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
- Juvenile Probation Departments
- Private Placements
The average cost of placing a child at Azleway is $2,900 per month. Stays average six to nine months. Azleway rarely has scholarship funds available to families seeking private placement.
For additional resources regarding troubled teens, go to www.yft.org.
Contact Azleway Billy Ray Roberson at (903) 566-6827, ext. 2012 for more information.