Boys’ Ranch Residential Treatment Center

TYLER, Texas - On the eve of its 40th anniversary, Azleway is continuing its transition to more family-based care of children. Though the most visible program, Azleway Boys’ Ranch comprises a small percentage of the over 350 boys & girls currently being served in its quality faith-based care.
The continuing plan to move Azleway forward for the next 40 years has resulted in a shift for the residential program on the Tyler campus to a transitional living program for young adults moving from the foster care system to productive adulthood. This move to a transitional living focus has been occurring for the last few years and plans to continue.
The transition will result in Azleway voluntarily moving 40 younger boys back to family when possible, to Azleway foster homes, or to other programs over the next few weeks. The staff is assisting the children in preparation for these changes while providing them with holiday activities, parties, and gifts during this Christmas season.
It is intended that these ongoing changes will place Azleway in a better financial and programmatic position to look forward to the next 40 years of quality faith-based care of children & young adults. Azleway desires to continue its growth of exemplary care to meet the needs and trends of an expanding Texas foster care system.